Make sure it’s HEARTmade

I believe that art truly is a vehicle for harmony, connection and transformation, for both the gift-maker and the gift-receiver.

I was that artistic kid making things from any craft materials I could get my hands on. I was thrilled by how much joy what I made gave to people. Niki Owl is what became of that childhood “pastime”.

So I know how much we need to encourage kids these days to express their joy and vision through art, and create a life of their choosing.

Which is why I feel this event I’m sharing with you is so important.

If you or your friends live near San Jose, CA, please go to the “HEARTMADE: Handmade Holiday Gifts” show created by my friend, Julie Fountain Stover. She’s the mastermind behind ArtHouse Kids Studio.

This Creative Holiday Gift Show showcases over 30 amazing local artists, children’s art for fundraising, and global artists that give back to a variety of wonderful causes and nonprofits.

heartmade event arthouse kids

Niki Owl coloring books will be available at this show, and this means a lot to me, for many reasons.

If you can’t make it to the event, please forward this post to your friends, family or colleagues who will love it.

You can also share the event here:
