The Niki Owl Coloring Book for Adults

Leap of Faith Companion

niki owl coloring book for adults

A Niki Owl Coloring Book… for the kid in YOU.

Do you ever miss the imagination you had as a kid?

Do you want to look at life with childlike wonder again?

The Niki Owl coloring book for adults was created to help you get in touch with your inner kid, activate your imagination and act on what’s already in your heart waiting to be realized.

Its purpose is to help you move your life forward in a fun and creative way, through inspirational quotes and illustration prompts to help you re-kindle the joy of creating a life you love. Imbue your day to day with inspiration, building on your dreams and hopes.

The illustrations in this book originally appeared in the novel, “Niki Owl, Leap of Faith” and showcase some of the lovely sights and landmarks you’ll encounter in the beautiful city of Vancouver, Canada, so if you’ve been there you’ll know what they are! And if you haven’t been yet, perhaps this will inspire you to visit.

Sample pages of the Niki Owl coloring book for adults*:

niki owl coloring book sample 01

niki owl coloring book sample 02

*kids can use it too! We suggest 8 years+.

OUT OF PRINT – See the new, expanded version here.

You might still find some copies via the following retail sites…

Canada: Chapters

For your best experience of this book, you’ll also want to pick up some cool coloring pencils.

Read the Niki Owl Book Reviews

“This past December I bought this coloring book for my friends, family, and clients. I felt like I was giving a gift that would keep on giving. I gave a copy to my girlfriend and each of her daughters. They are using the book to work on their dreams and goals as a family. I also gave this to my nieces and nephew. My nephew said, “I love how Niki Owl is made of little marks of ink”. My nephew started to use this drawing technique in his art. He is ten years old. Many of the people I gave it to had been to Vancouver, BC, as they flipped through the pages, they said, “I have been here, where is this?, Oh, Vancouver, BC!” This book is full of wisdom and prompts for the user to start to dream, move, create, and transform. This one is a keeper and I will always have it on hand along with a set of color pencils to give as a gift. Thank you Karin for creating a product that brings love and a guide to possibility to the reader/user.”
– Stacey, Oregon

“One of the most powerful things an author can do for his or her audience is make the reader feel exhilaration! Make you feel alive again. And this colouring book does just that, it does it with beautiful images and a darling story. It doesn’t talk about fun, or happiness, or creativity, or innovation, it demonstrates it. It engages you to be a part of it. It brings out the artist in you. I strongly suggest every business person, CEO, author, or anyone with any profession at ANY AGE buy this book and dance among the pages. I invite you all to do that so that playful nature within you brings forth creativity and innovation. I always wondered why many adults left the playground and headed to the office, this is for the adults out there who still swing on the swings at the playground and look among the stars in wonder! I salute you! Thank you Karin for your genius!”
– Pam, Canada